Executive Leadership Academy

Preparing Emerging College and University Presidents

The Executive Leadership Academy (ELA) is a year-long leadership program in partnership with the American Association of State Colleges & Universities and the Council of Independent Colleges designed for experienced provosts and vice presidents. Current leaders seeking to move to positions of greater responsibility will acquire knowledge, skills, and experiences relevant to the responsibilities and activities of a president/chancellor.

Program Candidates

This program is designed for individuals from AASCU or CIC member institutions who are seeking to move to positions of greater responsibility.

What You’ll Expect

Hosted in Washington, DC, the seminars include sessions led by current and former presidents, chancellors, executive leaders, and subject matter experts.

Year-long leadership development plan with guidance from your institutional mentor and the AALI President.

Deep work between the seminars centers on personal development of key skills for aspiring provosts/chief academic officers.

Nomination Process

Candidates interested in joining the program must be nominated by their president who will also serve as their mentor throughout the program.

2024-25 Seminar Dates

ELA Opening Seminar
June 16-17, 2025
Cosmos Club
Washington, DC

ELA Closing Seminar
June 13-14, 2025
Cosmos Club
Washington, DC